My beauty world

My beauty world

пʼятниця, 14 березня 2014 р.

Покупки, подарки, посылка с Buyincoins

Здравствуйте красавицы, сегодня покажу вам покупки и подарки к 8 Марта!

Красная сумочка Kenzo, Avene мягкий лосьон для снятия макияжа с глаз, Avene увлажняющая эмульсия для лица, косметичка Guerlain и  немного миниатюрок - это для следующего конкурса!

На днях также пришел мой небольшой заказ с сайта Buyincoins:

Заказала себе баночку для жидкости для снятия лака, она идет с очень удобной помпой, просто сверху прикладываете спонж, нажимаете и он намокает, не надо постоянно переворачивать бутылку, видела у девушек на Ютубе, и себе решила взять. Баночка понравилась

Также кинула в корзину трафареты для рисования бровей, пока не пробовала, наконец то сделаю себе идеальные брови)))) Особых надежд не возлагаю, просто взяла дешевый аналог, дорогих фирм))). Цена копеечная.

Еще взяла кисть для бронзера, у меня есть похожая но скошенная, использую для румян. Кисть понравилась, плотно набитая, ворс не лезет.

Очень долго выбирала кисть для пудры, и выбрала эту, она очень плотно набитая и пушистая, пудру наносит хорошо, в своем выборе я не ошиблась. Но стоит заметить кисть достаточно тяжелая, а так все нравится, ворс не лезет.

И еще немножко цветов)))

Всем спасибо за внимание!!!

1 коментар:

  1. face mask non woven

    iv cannula

    iv cannula manufacturing companies in india

    iv cannula color codes
    face mask non woven Denex International provides machinery for Face masks non-woven. Crafted from soft, breathable non-woven fabric, Dispo Guard is safe even on the most sensitive of skins. ​Nowadays due to covid-19, every person needs a mask. In a lockdown, many more businesses got stalled but the medical use business grows consistently as we know. If you purchase our face mask machinery, you will get more profit from this. For interested clients, contact us at this no. +91-1244115465. hurry!

    iv cannula Denex International provides machinery for iv cannula. Nowadays due to covid-19, every person needs a healthy body, and also in surgery, it helps us In a lockdown, many more businesses got stalled but the medical use business grows consistently as we know if you purchase our iv cannula machinery then you will get more profit with this. We have different types of machines for iv cannula. Background Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a technique in which a cannula is placed inside a vein to provide venous access. For interested clients contact us at this no. +91-1244115465. hurry!

    iv cannula manufacturing companies in india Denex International provides machinery for iv cannula. Nowadays due to covid-19, every person needs a healthy body, and also in surgery, it helps us In a lockdown, many more businesses got stalled but the medical use business grows consistently as we know if you purchase our iv cannula machinery then you will get more profit with this. We have different types of machines for iv cannula. Background Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a technique in which a cannula is placed inside a vein to provide venous access. I.V Cannula is one of the most valuable products in the field of medical disposable items. One of the leading manufacturing companies “Denex International” since 1998. For interested clients contact us at this no. +91-1244115465. hurry!

    iv cannula color codes Denex International provides machinery for iv cannula. Nowadays due to covid-19, every person needs a healthy body, and also in surgery, it helps us In a lockdown, many more businesses got stalled but the medical use business grows consistently as we know if you purchase our iv cannula machinery then you will get more profit with this. We have different types of machines for iv cannula. Background Intravenous (IV) cannulation is a technique in which a cannula is placed inside a vein to provide venous access. I.V Cannula is one of the most valuable products in the field of medical disposable items. One of the leading manufacturing companies “Denex International” since 1998. INTRAVENOUS CANNULAS, COLOURS, GAUGE, and FLOW RATE:: 1. ORANGE - Gauge 14 - Flow 200 ml/min 2. GREY - Gauge 16 - Flow 140 ml/min 3. GREEN - Gauge 18 - Flow 90 ml/min 4. PINK - Gauge 20 - Flow 61 ml/min 5. BLUE - Gauge 22 - Flow 36 ml/min 6. YELLOW - Gauge 24 - Flow 20 ml/min. interested clients contact us at this no. +91-1244115465. hurry!
